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Using this method – a change in our thinking – we TRIPLED OUR INCOME in 3 months

I know it sounds crazy, but just give me a few minutes and I’ll explain.

From: Leslie Householder

Dear reader,

As parents of seven children, my husband and I know how frustrating a tight budget can be.

You’ve worked long, hard hours. You’ve struggled to get ahead, but it feels like climbing a sandy hill, doesn’t it? All you want is financial security, without the stress, right?

You want to be out of debt, but something keeps getting in the way of achieving it, right?

Talk about frustrating!

Even when you think you’re just about to “make it”, you discover that success is always just around the corner and never really arrives. In fact, the harder you try, the more in debt you get.

Good news…

I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way…

That breakthrough may be closer than you think

For nearly a decade, my husband and I attended seminars AND read all kinds of books, trying to learn how to dig ourselves out of a very deep and discouraging hole. We spent grocery money and even started charging up our credit cards to pay for the education we needed.

However, I just ended up depressed and angry because all we wanted was for me to be able to stay home with the children, and to keep our financial promises on time, but after all we invested in our learning, nothing really changed.

Have you ever felt frustrated and desperate for relief?

Maybe you’ve never been this frustrated before, but I was so on edge about our finances that I called the cops on a kid who broke my broom. We didn’t have the lousy seven bucks to replace it, and that setback was the final straw.

I felt no other choice than to escape “reality”

I was a wreck. I finally just went to bed and decided that I didn’t care if I ever got up. The kids would just have to find their own food and look after themselves, because I couldn’t go on any longer.

If I couldn’t find relief, I would just close my eyes and pretend I already had it. That’s the only place I could feel better, and if that is where I’d have to do it, so be it.

I remember thinking, “Oh, you are so pathetic, Leslie.”

If you accidentally stumble onto ONE of the rules like I did, the success is temporary

Little did I know that what I did that day changed something. Things started shifting, because I had applied ONE of the laws without even knowing it. Within the year we were able to buy our first home and had a stable job with insurance.

But since we didn’t realize what I had done, we both fell into the same thinking patterns as before and ended up just as strapped, except with a bigger nut to crack each month. The stress was still there.

We continued to attend seminars for another three years in our search for answers, but once again I came to the end of my rope.

I said, “This is my last seminar. If something doesn’t change after this one, I’m done.” Fortunately, that was the event that finally explained how the laws of success really work, and for us, it changed everything. Click here to watch the video where I explain exactly what we learned there.

After nearly ten desperate years, we finally started to “think right” and tripled our income

Unlike so many of the other seminars, there was no hype, nothing “rah-rah” about this one. It was just a simple presentation on how the Universe operates, and the Laws of Thought that govern the degree of prosperity a person will enjoy.

We just looked at each other and said, “THAT’S all it is??” We tested the principles and within 3 months our monthly income tripled, bringing it to six-figures that year for the first time in our life.

What we learned was that…

There are TWO kinds of faith. One of them *causes* things to happen.

As Boyd K. Packer taught:

“There are two kinds of faith. One of them functions ordinarily in the life of every soul. It is the kind of faith born by experience; it gives us certainty that a new day will dawn, that spring will come, that growth will take place. It is the kind of faith that relates us with confidence to that which is scheduled to happen. …

“There is another kind of faith, rare indeed. This is the kind of faith that causes things to happen. It is the kind of faith that is worthy and prepared and unyielding, and it calls forth things that otherwise would not be. It is the kind of faith that moves people. It is the kind of faith that sometimes moves things. …

“It comes by gradual growth. It is a marvelous, even a transcendent, power, a power as real and as invisible as electricity. Directed and channeled, it has great effect.” (Quote by Boyd K. Packer © By Intellectual Reserve, Inc., used with permission).

Since that “rare kind of faith” is what finally made the difference for us, that’s become the topic of my books, my blog, and everything else I’ve put together to help other families move closer to their ideal life.

Where I called the cops on the kid who broke my broom

Where we moved after testing and proving the principles. We affectionately called this home our “FAMILY MAGNET”


Our dream trip to Disney World. It’s fun to go when the crowds are minimal

I cried when the princesses sang about dreams that really do come true, because mine did, and I know yours can, too


A higher AWARENESS is all we needed, to finally see the laws of success start working

Our problem all those years was that we didn’t know there were any rules or laws governing prosperity. We didn’t know they existed, but even more critically, we didn’t know we were breaking them.

“All of this stuff is real. It’s no game. It’s always interesting to understand old principles. It’s a totally different experience to see them work on a daily basis. I particularly enjoy getting my parking spaces every day. You’ve taken Napoleon Hill and made it clear.” Shawn P.

“I am sitting here in tears because you cannot understand what a blessing and inspiration you have been… I have always believed that positive thought and faith have helped me to stay strong and persevere but [now] I realize that maybe it is time that I can do more than just get by.” ~ Wendy V., mother of three.

The real reason for our previous failure to prosper became apparent, and we realized that no matter how hard we prayed for help, as long as we were breaking the rules, we would never thrive.

The moment we started to choose our thoughts more carefully according to the guidelines, it was as though the heavens finally opened and better circumstances began to come our way, by law.

It was the breakthrough we had been praying for, for seven long years!!!

Real evidence of our quantum leap:

from $4,000/month…

(Actual bank statement clips dating back to 1999 through 2004. The switch from Wells Fargo to Bank of America happened when we could finally afford to move back to our home state.)

To $12,000…

To $156,670 in just one month:

I’m not going to tell you it’s easy, because anything this good will make you stretch. But it IS simple.

I was so amazed at the difference a heightened awareness could make, that I jumped at the opportunity to teach the material myself. After some intense training, I began conducting seminars in 2001, because I felt compelled to help others experience the same kind of breakthrough we had experienced.

Have you ever been so frustrated that you said,
“I just don’t know what to think?”

There’s a reason we instinctively ask ourselves that question when we are in a tight spot. Something inside of us knows that if we could only know how we’re supposed to think in the face of adversity, everything would work out for the best.

There’s a “right way” to think

There is a right way to think for every challenge that comes our way. However, that “way to think” is not what comes naturally. Those who prosper (enjoying abundance in all areas of a well-balanced life), have trained themselves to choose their thoughts carefully to fall in line with the Universal Laws.

Prosperous people have discovered an amazing connection

Those who really prosper have discovered an amazing connection between their thoughts and the so-called random experiences they attract. They know the truth.

They know it’s critical to choose their thoughts carefully, and as you learn to think like them, you’ll know that better circumstances are literally being orchestrated for you. Keeping your thoughts in the right place allows these better circumstances and needed resources to arrive predictably, and dependably.

The amazing connection is not obvious

Because the connection between our thoughts and our circumstances isn’t obvious, most of us think careless, destructive thoughts without even realizing it, and then wonder why life is so hard.

It’s easy to get excited about potential windfalls, but since we can’t see the evidence of improved circumstances lining up, it’s easy to let doubt creep into our minds.

As a result, the resources which had been gathering pulls back, and we never realize that the money we hoped for was nearly ours. There is more significance to the counsel “doubt not, fear not” than you may have realized.

The Universe operates in a lawful manner

It’s good news that the Universe operates in an orderly way, because that means that once you learn the laws, you can know that as you follow them, all you need to accomplish your life’s purpose MUST come, by law. Just knowing this gives you the mental stamina to endure the “test period” of your faith.

Are you ready to live an abundant life?

Would you like to get on top of all those bills? Enjoy more time with the kids? Go someplace fun and create a wealth of family-bonding memories? Bring mother home from work? Retire?

Have you had enough? Are you ready to experience a major breakthrough that will change your life forever? Do you long for more family time and money freedom to do all you were meant to do and become all you were meant to become?

– Unsolicited Feedback –

From our students:

“I started the program and am loving it. I feel like it is my personal friend helping me to finally “get it”. I find it easy to use and very comprehensive. I love what you included in it and feel it was an extremely well priced investment. Thank you!” Jonelle

“Within a couple of weeks I received the promotion to Director and a sizable salary increase… thank you… for helping the rest of us enlarge our vision. Sincerely, A. Harper”

“Many great things have happened… This includes moving my family 1200 miles across the country and then a few months later stumbling upon the deal of the century. We just moved into a beautiful mountain home on 2.5 acres. Thank you… Abundantly yours, Kathy”

“I wrote a goal to add a new corporate client by the end of the year…[and took the steps you teach]. Verizon called me today. We had spoken with them back in July and they chose not to do their project at that time. They let me know that they were coming up on the end of the year and had extra money in their budget that they needed to spend. By some chance, somebody had remembered the project they were going to have my company, ScrapeGoat, do for them. They put the project back on the table yesterday for discussion and decided to move forward with it. We have a signed contract with them now with even more projects lined up for next year. I’m nearly in tears. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” Warm Regards, Aaron Willis,”

ken-debbie-carroll“My wife and I found Leslie and the [MINDSET MASTERY™] program in 2006 when our lives were shattered. We excitedly worked through the 12 week program and saw immediate changes in our lives. We repeated the second half of the course to solidify the teachings. We saw success in many areas of our lives as we applied the principles we learned. We made $100,000 in a network marketing business. I used these principles to discover my true passion and purpose in life and against incredible odds was hired in my dream job competing with more than a thousand other qualified applicants. We used these principles to find a beautiful home that we now live in. We continue to achieve our dreams and goals because we now know how. Success is predictable!” Ken and Debbie Carroll, Sandy, Utah.

“…we will actually double our income this next year. Thank you, Leslie, for sharing these principles… THEY REALLY WORK!!! It really is a science.

“What excites me the most, is that because these principles really worked on everything we’ve experimented with so far, there is no limit to what we can achieve in the future!!! Thanks again!!! Alisa”

We put [it] to the test for one week. I [did as we were taught] for $2,000 dollars… I had just lost my job the week before and our current balance in the account was $100 dollars… We had no idea where $2,000 dollars could come from but felt if there was ever a test this would be it. …As soon as a despairing thought came in my mind like “How can you get another $1,000 dollars in just one day, I would [do as you taught]…” On the last day of the test my wife called me … the test was a success because, the goal was achieved and ‘…God is never late’. Thanks again for helping me learn the missing piece. Chris Pierson”

“We were able to buy a condo–something I didn’t think was possible before… Melv”

If these people can change their life, so can you. Don’t envy their success, just join them!

Not too long ago, I felt just like you: frustrated about our limited resources, and dying inside to find a way out.

Imagine how it will feel to move forward toward your dreams, without money issues getting in the way. Imagine having time to enjoy your loved ones, discover their hidden talents and help develop them, so that they, too, can enjoy a happy life of fulfillment and contribution.

So, now I bet you’re wondering…

“What’s all this going to cost me?”

Hang on a minute. I have to say something here:

We spent fifteen years studying the laws of success, and to learn what I’m going to share with you, we spent more than $8,000 in 2002, $46,000 in 2005, and $100,000 in 2006, in trainings and coaching programs with our mentors.

The $150,000+ WE spent to learn this was worth it, because we made it ALL back and more (over a million, in fact)

So if I were to charge you the $150,000+ that we spent, it would still be worth it, because it’s the same information that allowed us to triple our income in three months, and continues to help us achieve all of our goals.

Still, I feel for people who want to learn what we know, but just don’t have that kind of money. I’m feel for the person who is hungry for this information but cannot see a way to come up with thousands of dollars. That’s why I make all three of my books available totally FREE.

But when you want to go deeper and take your understanding to the next level, it’s time to invest in yourself.

So, let me ask you:

What would it be worth to finally have peace of mind? To have certainty about your future? To put the money question to rest once and for all, so that ultimately, you can spend more time with your family, and achieve all you were meant to achieve?

My own mentors have suggested that I charge at least $2000 for this system, but…

…I don’t want to make it out of reach for anyone.

On the other hand, it isn’t cheap.

There needs to be an element of sacrifice involved or (as experience has taught me) you won’t give it the serious consideration that it deserves and requires in order for it to make the difference in YOUR life that you want it to make.

So, instead of paying as much as $7500 for seminar tickets, hotel, airfare, sitters, meals, rental cars, and time off work, and instead of forking out $150,000 over more than a decade of your life to learn all we’ve learned as we have done, you can get the MINDSET MASTERY™ Program and bonuses for a fraction (see chart below)… and you don’t even have to pay for travel expenses!

To get started, choose a format:

One-time payment options:

Independent Study – $497
Guided Online – $1597
Guided PLUS Online – $2497


Choose a bundled path below to save $$$ and get Mindset Mastery plus FOUR other life-changing courses!

No thanks, I prefer a one-time payment option:

Independent Study – $497
Guided Online – $1597
Guided PLUS Online – $2497


Not ready to buy? No problem!

Click here to get my FREE EBOOK

What the Experts Have to Say

I am genuinely impressed… In a unique and creative way, …[Leslie’s work] will lead her readers through successively increased levels of awareness and leave them not only with an uncommon confidence, but more importantly, with the ability to make any life change they desire… Success seekers of all degrees of knowledge and experience will benefit from this… ”

Bob Proctor, founder of Proctor Gallagher Institute and teacher of “The Secret”

“I have spent many years teaching people how to gain control of their time and ultimately their lives. The principles so uniquely taught …take everything I have done a step further. This …must be experienced and not described. The person who can comprehend and internalize the laws of thought as they are beautifully analogized in these pages, will realize any dream, effect any change, achieve any goal they desire.”

Hyrum W. Smith, Co-founder Franklin Covey, CEO Galileo

“For 15 years I have helped people achieve financial freedom in Real Estate and the Stock Market, but I have discovered that those who actually make it happen have first experienced a significant switch in their mentality and attitude. I am convinced that this… will actually facilitate that shift for those who are finally ready to live the abundant life, no matter what their vehicle to freedom may be. Furthermore, if they don’t know their vehicle, this will teach them how to find the ‘right vehicle and road map.'”

Mark Larson, two time best selling author of “Trade Stocks Online” and “Technical charting for Profits

“…outstanding …masterfully told in a clear, easy to understand manner. It is a comprehensive look at how we co-create our lives and determine our results through the power of thought. Leslie has woven every important life principle and universal law into this… Thank you Leslie.”

Camille Kocsis, President Successful Living Seminars, Master Success Coach, Speaker and Author

The cool thing is that this system works no matter what you choose for your life’s occupation (just don’t choose something illegal or unethical). You don’t have to be an author or a teacher like me… You’ll find success doing something you love.

Make Money Doing Whatever YOU Love to Do

If a Salsa Dancing instructor can make $300,000 a year, and a baseball instructor can make more than $11,000 a month in ongoing revenue using his expertise while he sleeps, and a guitar instructor can develop a passive income of $275,000 over three years, then you can create a passive income, too. EVERYONE is an expert at SOMETHING! (These are actual case studies from one of my proven, million-dollar recommended resources list).

Shoot, I even added an income stream from gathering up all my already-written creative Christmas letters from over the years!

Universal Law does not discriminate between different occupations, although the greater the service you render, the more money you should expect to receive. But don’t worry, at the right time, you’ll discover ways to increase the value of your service, whatever it may be. You can even use the process to discover your own “magnificent obsession”.

“How can I know if you’re for real?”

Honestly, I guess you’re just going to have to consult your gut instinct on that one. All I can say is that I’ve been there. I’ve been so frustrated about money that at one point I literally called the police on the neighbor kid who broke my broom (and a couple years later, I called the cops on a 5-year old who stole cookie dough from my fridge. Have YOU ever been that stressed?)

We worked multiple jobs, day and night, trying to get ahead with cars that wouldn’t work. We dealt with medical bills, job losses, late fees, depression, stress, deadlines, shattered dreams… I have seven years of journal entries to show for it!!!

All I can say is that I’ve been there:

Then just two months before everything finally clicked:

That same year things finally changed for us; and they changed because we learned what I am chomping at the bit to share with you!

If things hadn’t been so bad, I wouldn’t feel SO driven to help you now

Since experiencing that breakthrough, I’ve had the good fortune to connect with every-day people through interviews, instructional broadcasts, and trainings on ABC’s Sonoran Living Live, KFNX Talk-Radio with Garrett Gunderson, The Wayne and Jayne show out of Canada, Live the Day with Coach Lee Denver radio show, Bob Lancers 35-state broadcast of Parenting and Life Wisdom Solutions, SheLovesGod International Women’s Conference, Brigham Young University-Idaho Communication Summit, SB Mentoring Network and Real Estate training, church conferences, and more…

I’ve taught seminars across the country based on my award-winning best seller, The Jackrabbit Factor, and I’ve been a contributing author to multiple books from Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen’s world-famous Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

I was a program facilitator for Bob Proctor’s Science of Getting Rich program, and my own writings have been published in print magazines and across the web, reaching hundreds of thousands of readers since 2002. My subscribers come from all across the globe, and we’ve received thousands of emails and letters over nearly two decades from grateful people whose lives have been transformed.

I’m eager to bring you into the “know” so that you can learn these principles once and for all, from the comfort of your own home.

It’s strengthening families

I intend to leave a legacy, to build a bridge over the chasm we crossed, so that others can pass through more easily. I realize that marriages are on the line and families are in peril as a result of money stresses, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

When you discover what I’m eager to share in this training, fear will dissipate, and you’ll be left with a fresh assurance that you’re well equipped to handle anything life throws at you. You’ll have the knowledge you need to come out on top every time, and become a real success in every sense of the word.

Words can not express the amount of gratitude I have for you and what you do!” Manos

“Thank you… [Your work] has already changed (saved) my life in many ways. … Every part of my life has benefited. I look forward to learning more and hope that you will write more! Thank you again.” Jodi Radford

The [Mindset Mastery™ Program] has completely empowered me to take charge of my life. I have more hope than ever that my long terms goals and happiness are within my reach.

“I am a stay at home mom …and have often felt helpless when it came to assisting the family in temporal and monetary needs. My husband and I came to realize that his career path, albeit satisfying and providing, was always going to be just enough.  We knew that we had to do something more to live the life we wanted for ourselves and our children. I also came to the realization that in order to be the mom that I wanted to be, and become the family of my dreams, the money stress needed to go away for good.

We have tried many, many things over the years trying to reach our financial goals all to no avail. We could not figure out why nothing was working for us. We were like cats chasing our tails :o) One night in a teary heart felt prayer I resigned to the Lord that I would be happy with exactly what we had and that all I really wanted was to be a certain kind of mom and a certain kind of family.  If that meant never having the money and freedoms we wanted than so be it. The stress of our fruitless ambitions was taking a toll on our family. I had so much peace in my heart at the end of the prayer.

“A short time later I found The Jackrabbit Factor (or should I say it found me?) It changed my life.  My husband read it.  It changed his life. We had REAL hope at last. For the next year I would think about and read that book, but I knew I needed more. I knew the book was just scratching the surface of a new understanding. I was so excited to learn of the [Mindset Mastery™ Program].  I knew that was the missing link in understanding universal laws that could change my life. I bought the course. It was the by far one of the best decisions I have made.

I have just completed the home study course and can not begin to express my gratitude in finding this life changing material. My husband and I are now on a path of success that brings more confidence and opportunities every day. Sometimes I am in awe of what we have accomplished in such a short time and I know without a doubt that it is because of our deeper understanding of universal truths that are so eloquently taught through his home study course. The peace and confidence we feel about our future now surpasses any ideas we may initially have had about it in the past. We have officially taken control of our lives and look forward to every day and learning opportunity that comes our way. I do not feel helpless anymore and my own wishes and dreams of contributing to this family on all levels are happening.” Amanda

We are having a fantastic journey… April 1st – $18,525, April 2nd – $30,000, and today April 3rd – $15,975 (and it’s only 9:00 am), tomorrow is scheduled to profit us $11,775. This is a total of $76,275 …well on our way to our financial goal of creating $100,000 in one month! …Just wanted to share with you the results that can be achieved by those who adhere to what you teach. THANK YOU…” Gary Norris

What will happen if you don’t get started today?

People who have applied these strategies and techniques have seen their income double and triple. Imagine if you could double your annual salary, or even increase it by just an extra $2,000/month. How would that change life at your home?

Over the next five years you could miss out on $100,000 – $1,000,000 or more if you let this invitation pass you by. I won’t promise you’ll get rich, because I can’t force you to follow my simple instructions. But what if I could help you discover a life-changing solution to the one BIG problem you face right now?

Don’t put off this decision and suffer through another year of despair.

Even though we spent more than fifteen years and $150,000 to learn, understand, and teach it as effectively as possible,

I realize you might already be “out of time”

Maybe you’ve got some kids getting ready to leave the nest, and you’d like to learn it in time to share your epiphanies with your children before they go out on their own.

Maybe you’re at retirement age and would like the luxury of being able to choose whether to retire or not.

Maybe someone you love needs medical help in a hurry and you don’t have fifteen years to figure this out.

Whatever your urgent reason is, if this invitation has found you right now, then take the leap of faith. I understand it can be scary to spend money, when money is so tight.

If we hadn’t taken the leap to invest in ourselves just one more time, it would have cost us more than a million dollars (not to mention the damage I could have done as a frustrated, angry mother of seven impressionable children).

Imagine the ripple effect one parent can have in a negative (or positive!) way for generations to come. I didn’t want my kids and grand kids to grow up with my same fears and frustrations about money, and neither do you. So…

To get started, choose a format:

One-time payment options:

Independent Study – $497
Guided Online – $1597
Guided PLUS Online – $2497


Choose a bundled path below to save $$$ and get Mindset Mastery plus FOUR other life-changing courses!

No thanks, I prefer a one-time payment option:

Independent Study – $497
Guided Online – $1597
Guided PLUS Online – $2497


Not ready to buy? No problem!

Click here to start learning with my FREE EBOOK